Meri Gabriel

Inside Sales Intern

Summer Intern Project

“At the request of Olympic Steel’s Cleveland, OH warehouse employees, my summer project goal was to creatively provide employees with information about the jobs at the division, including customer name, product end-uses and customer-specific packaging details. After extensive research and collaboration across various departments, I created 25 electronic posters using an online creative software, Canva. The posters are now displayed on the facility’s digital screens, serving as valuable resource for employees and showcasing the impact of their work on everyday products.”

  • Why did you choose to intern for Olympic Steel?
    While researching companies and internships, I found that I believed in the same Core Values of Olympic Steel. I also enjoyed learning about Olympic Steel’s rich and deep history in Cleveland!

  • What do you hope to accomplish during your time here at Olympic Steel?
    I want to make genuine connections, learn more about business, meet new people, and leave a positive and lasting impression.

  • What do you like to do in your free time?
    I love to spend time with my family and friends, I enjoy reading, playing tennis, traveling, and learning new things.

  • What is your proudest moment so far?
    I am proud of any moment where I was able to help someone in need, or any moment where I found growth and change in myself.

  • What is your favorite quote?
    "Only those who will risk going too far, can possibly find out how far one can go." – T.S. Eliot

  • Three words to describe me are:
    Kind • Adaptable • Competitive

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