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The Olympic Steel Sol Siegal Scholarship Program is named after the Company’s founder. Created as part of Olympic Steel’s 50th anniversary celebration, the scholarship honors its namesake and rewards the hard work of the children and dependents of Olympic Steel employees.

Each year, Olympic Steel awards up to 10 renewable scholarships in the amount of $2,500 (renewed at $2,000) to employee dependents pursuing full-time, undergraduate educational programs, including accredited colleges and universities or vocational/technical institutions.

Olympic Steel is pleased to recognize all of its recipients, selected by an outside scholarship administrator, Scholarship America, for:

Sol Siegal Scholarship Program

  • Outstanding academic achievement
  • Sustained participation in school or community activities
  • Demonstrated leadership
  • Clear articulation of scholarship qualifications and personal goals

MORE THAN 200 Total Scholarships Awarded Since 2004

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