Dale Miller

Quality Assurance Intern

Special Intern Project:

I was responsible for making improvements to the structure of the Chambersburg Division’s Quality Management System (QMS), so it could better support compliance with the ISO 9001-2018 standard and our own OSI Quality Manual and Level II Procedures. This included reading and learning about the Chambersburg Level III Work Instructions (WIs) to increase my knowledge of the division’s manufacturing processes. Then, using that knowledge, I filed and organized the WIs online on our intranet to support employee accessibility to the documents using the methodology that Coady Barrie, Olympic Steel’s Corporate Quality Assurance Manager, mapped out. I also categorized the WIs into a training matrix organized by process and core job function to support the development of employees and flawless execution. I also created process flow diagrams and internal auditing plans for each of the core processes using the newly organized QMS structure.

Why did you choose to intern for Olympic Steel?

  • I wanted to work in a practical engineering environment in order to get real world experience in the engineering industry.

What do you hope to accomplish during your time here at Olympic Steel?

  • I want to learn what it is like to work as an engineer and develop skills centered around being an engineer on a team of workers and designers.

What do you like to do in your free time?

  • I like to walk and hike around parks and take care of our pets at home.

What is your proudest moment so far?

  • The curtain call of my senior year musical.

What is your favorite quote?

  • “Engineering is the closest thing to magic that exist in this world” – Elon Musk

Three words to describe me are:

  • Smart, Hard-working, Kind
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